Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fundraiser Planning in Full Swing!

This is Beth, Tara's sister, writing in today with an update on how we're coming along with the fundraising. Tara and I have been working hard at organizing another "Spring Shopping Social & Plant Sale" to be held on April 23rd, 2011 at the Brunswick Community Center. We've secured many vendors (our space is almost completely filled!) and have been soliciting donations for another fabulous raffle. This year, we're putting together "packages" of gift certificates for local business to raffle off. An example of a package that we've already put together includes our "Taste of Brunswick" package ($50 gift to Horn's Tavern & $50 Tamarac Wine & Liquors + More!). A full list of vendors and raffle packages will be posted soon so check back often and MARK YOUR CALENDARS!